Here are the key strategies to putting together a persuasive application for us: Be sure to include a cover letter, resumé, references (if you have them), and all post-secondary transcripts. It is also informative if you provide a list of courses that you’re scheduled to take in the future, if known.

Provide all means of communicating with you. Include your mailing address (including a summer address if it’s different), email, home phone, cell phone, and so forth. Of course, if you never carry or check the messages on your cell phone, it’s probably best not to give us that number.

Clearly identify the position you’re applying for (Articling or Summer position) as well as the year you hope to work with us. It also doesn’t hurt to make clear which year of law school you are presently completing.

In your cover letter, tackle any obvious “blips” in your history. If you are applying for Articles as a third-year student instead of a second-year, give us some insight into why that is. If you have a few grades that aren’t your shining glory, give us some background into what happened. We’re not trying to pry, but we’re likely going to ask you anyway, so you might as well provide your explanation up front.

In your cover letter, identify anyone from the firm that you’ve previously met, as well as the venue in which you met them, such as a Career Day, or a university presentation.

Enclose all of your post-secondary transcripts. Your law school transcripts are important, but we would like to see your undergraduate or other post-secondary transcripts as well.

For first-year Summer Student applicants, please provide your midterm grades. Sealed transcripts are not necessary; originals are preferred.

Please do not use paperclips. Staple your package together as we’d hate for your impeccable transcripts to get attached to another applicant’s resume.

Your application package for summer and articling positions in Edmonton may be mailed to:

Brownlee LLP
2200 Commerce Place
10155 – 102 Street N.W.
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4G8
Attention: Scott D. MacMillan

Alternatively, you may submit your application via email to Scott at

Your application package for summer and articling positions in Calgary may be mailed to:

Brownlee LLP
1500 Watermark Tower
530 – 8 Ave. SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3S8
Attention: Nabeel Peermohamed

Alternatively, you may submit your application via email to Nabeel at